After School Fishing Program Educates Youth To Be Future Anglers
May 29th, 2016 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified May 29th, 2016 at 12:00 AM

After School Fishing Program Educates Youth To Be Future Anglers
On Tuesday, May 24th fourth and fifth graders interested in fishing attended the Learn 2 Fish With Us After School Fishing Program at Menominee Park in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. This fishing program was scheduled for two evenings but due to the weather, the first day was cancelled. So on the second day when the kids found out the weather would hold, they were excited as they were going to learn new fishing skills and go fishing. NPAA Members, Greg Karch #138, Karen Karch #121, Tim Euting #789, Tyler Nickel #343 educated youth through educational stations.

The first station was the AIS station, where the youth and parents learned about the different Aquatic Invasive Species and what they look like along with the different rules and laws. The second station, youth learned and tied a Palomar and Clinch knot. The third station, was fish identification, where they learned how to identify the different fish along with where they live in the lake and the bait they like best. The fourth station, youth were introduced to the fishing combo they would receive for attending the After School Fishing Program. The youth also learned how to properly hook a minnow, leech and worm on their fishing line. The final station was casting instruction where the youths practiced casting by trying to catch Backyard Bass. Tom and Tyler instructed the youth on how they could improve how they cast.
Once the youth attended the five stations it was time for them to go fishing. Each youth received a Shakespeare fishing combo for attending After School Fishing program thanks to NPAA and Learn 2 Fish With Us. Fishing was tough due to the past weeks weather along with the lake fly hatch. The youth and parents thanked all the NPAA members for hosting the clinic and were excited to continue fishing though out the year!!!
Learn 2 Fish With Us mission statement is ‘Grow the sport of fishing by educating and inspiring beginner and experienced anglers. To learn more about the following organizations check out their websites Learn 2 Fish With Us at , NPAA at and Future Angler Foundation at