Early Ice Precautions
Category: article
Nov 13th, 2014 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified Nov 13th, 2014 at 12:00 AM

Early Ice Precautions
by Rachel Krohn

As the winter ice fishing season approaches, take a minute to think safety.
*The best way to know the current ice conditions is to communicate with resorts and bait shops. They are in the know regarding ice thickness, cracks to avoid, and the safest routes to take. Resort guides are out every morning checking the ice before anglers are allowed out on ice roads and in ice transportation. Use these marked ice roads, trails or snowmobile trails and be extra cautious if venturing off of the trails. Most recommend, especially early in the year, to stay on the marked trails. There is a reason they are marked.
*Take precautions. If possible, travel in groups.
In an emergency, the best thing to do is call 911. The local authorities know the correct procedures and closest emergency personell to contact.
*Drive slow on ice roads and trails. Resorts are always checking, but ice can shift any time of the day.
*Dress for the conditions, even if you are headed to a fish house with a heater, be prepared for the winter weather. Ice picks are a great idea if you are hauling your own portable house or snowmobiling over large expanses or in areas you are not certain of.
*Use a GPS when traveling on your own
*Winter storms, high winds, etc can make for poor or no visibility. When in doubt, if you are in a heated fish house, stay put.
*Communicate you safety plan with those you are traveling and fishing with.
Ice fishing, snowmobiling and other winter activities are popular up at Lake of the Woods. Taking the necessary precautions on the front end can literally save lives. Have a great winter season!