
Steve Jonesi Opens Iowa Based Guide Service

Category: News Release

 Feb 17th, 2021 by sworrall 

Modified Feb 17th, 2021 at 9:27 AM

I’m making it official. After much deliberation, consultation and a whole lot of soul searching, I found a job !!! I’ve done it before and I’m gonna do it again. Better. Yep. I posted a pic about a week ago and a few got the hint. It’s been in the works for a while but life has a way of changing one’s priorities. Mom is still in Hospice and still my priority but now is the time. Literally. Time On The Water Guide Service And Fishing Education is officially OPEN FOR BUSINESS. I’ve got a ton of things to do but I will start booking trips starting April 1st, in Iowa. Muskies will of course be a mainstay, but Bass and other species will also be sought. Iowa is not Minnesota nor Canada, but we have fantastic opportunities with some lakes open to angling year-round. There will be a strong emphasis on education and recruitment of new and young anglers/ families. Yeah, we’ll catch muskies but we’re gonna teach people to fish and have a blast doing it. Visit the Facebook page currently under construction or shoot me a message with any questions or to book a trip. Doing this all from Northern Wisconsin on my phone so it’ll take a few days. Thank you!

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