Rural hall on 10/23/2009 by JJackson

On the 23 of oct. I was sitting in a ground blind when 8 to 10 bucks walked behind me. About 40 yards. i could see a nice 10 & most of them were big 8s. I knew then that i had to get higher to get a chance at one of them. So the next day i grabbed my climber an set out. I got in a good spot that i saw them running the day before. Just before sun set i heard something grunting. My heart stopped. Then i seen a big 8 stick his nose in the air. I thought he had smelled me, but he keept coming. when he got about 35 yards it was lights out. When i seen him kick i knew i had hit him in a good spot. I let him sit about an hour i started tracking him. He was not done. So i backed off and told my self i'll come back in the morning. that morning i started where i last seen him. About 100 yards from i last seen him. There he was just like to see him. Down an ready to come with me. I was glad i had help i needed it.

Where taken: Rural hall

State/Province: NC

Length (in) or Points (#): 8

Date taken: 2009-10-23

By: OutdoorsFIRST
