What Would You Do? Josh Bertrand
Category: Tournament
Jun 18th, 2018 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified Jun 18th, 2018 at 12:00 AM
It’s time once again for the moral compass of all moral compasses in pro fishing, What Would You Do? with BassFIRST.com. Yep, we ask the tough questions, the insightful, big-ol’ eye-openers that truly give a view into the hearts and souls of pro anglers. Or perhaps we just ask a few questions from left field and ask the anglers what they would do? We’re not sure… read on and figure that out for yourself.
This time around, Bassmaster Elite Series pro Josh Bertrand is under the spotlight to see just what he would do.

Josh Bertrand. (Joel Shangle/BassFIRST)
DL – If you were offered a job with a lifetime annual salary of $150,000 plus full health benefits, would you quit professional fishing to take it? By the way, the gig is cat grooming.
JB – No way! I’m allergic to cats. Though it would be nice to have a guaranteed salary, I’ve worked very hard to be where I am at in the fishing business. I’d keep fishing, I love it.
DL – It’s the last day of the Angler of the Year (AOY) Championship and you just need one more fish to take the title. You hook a big bass, but it gets snagged on some cover in alligator infested water. Do you go in after the fish for the win?
JB – Yes, for sure, no doubt. At the Sabine River tournament on the third day, I didn’t have anything in my livewell. I hooked something, but couldn’t tell what and it got snagged. The spot I was fishing was loaded with snakes, mudfish and alligators. I went in head first and got that fish, it was a bass. I’d definitely do it for the AOY title?
DL – You find a bag at the boat ramp. You’re all alone. No security cameras. You open the bag and find 10 million dollars in cash. What would you do with it?
JB – A lot of cartel movies start that way and it never ends well. The movie No Country for Old Men is a perfect example of this. The bad guys always find you. I’d call the police and let them deal with it and hope I did the right thing. That’s a lot of money, though.