
What Iaconelli likes

Category: Tournament

 Sep 13th, 2018 by OutdoorsFIRST 

Modified Sep 13th, 2018 at 12:00 AM

Whether it’s his famous “Never give up!” cry when he caught a fish that helped him win the 2003 Bassmaster Classic, or his enthusiasm whenever he hooks a solid fish during a tournament, Mike Iaconelli has sure made an indelible mark on the sport of professional bass fishing. After two decades of fishing like mad to achieve success, Iaconelli certainly has some insight to share about the sport and all of the things that come with it.
So, while in the middle of a heavy business schedule, Mike took a few moments to answer a couple of questions and open a window into his thoughts.

Mike Iaconelli. (Joel Shangle/BassFIRST)
DL – What is your least favorite part about being a pro bass angler?

MI – There are quite a few things actually. I’ll give you three of them.
Time away from my family. I really struggle with that- it’s the toughest. When I look back on my career, that’s the hardest part.
Staying in hotels. At the beginning of my career, I stayed in the worst, cheapest motels. It’s better now, the places are nice, but it’s still a hotel room.
One thing I really hate and won’t miss at all when I retire is spooling and de-spooling line. I really hate it. I’m a stickler for fresh line, so I’m always changing it. When I’m done fishing tournaments, I won’t change my line for 10 years!
DL – What is the best thing about having your own TV show?

MI – I’ll give you three things I really like.
I can create my own schedule. It’s seriously great. In tournaments, you are told where to be and when- can be on a special birthday, holidays, it doesn’t matter. You have to be there on that schedule.
I also like the idea of reaching people outside of just tournament fans. Hopefully I’m getting people who aren’t into fishing more excited about it and get them to try fishing.
I get to fish for other species besides bass. I get to fish in the saltwater, or various freshwater spots that offer a variety of fish. Trout, carp, pike, you name it, and I get to fish for it. I really like the variety.

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