1,000-Plus TrophyCatch Largemouth Now Swim Free in Florida Waters
Category: press release
Sep 7th, 2014 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified Sep 7th, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Considered by many to be a once in a lifetime dream catch, well over 1,000 largemouth bass exceeding 8 pounds have been caught, documented and released in Florida in less than two years. Want to know where and see photos? Simply go to TrophyCatchFlorida.com and select the “Gallery of Catches” or you can pick “Search Catches” to narrow down your results.

“TrophyCatch has been exceptionally well-received by anglers, corporate partners, nonprofits and conservation agencies around the country that see this as an innovative win-win program,” said Tom Champeau, director of the Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).
TrophyCatch is the result of a partnership effort between the FWC, Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration, the Wildlife Foundation of Florida and corporate partners. TrophyCatch is an incentive-based conservation program designed for anglers who catch and release largemouth bass heavier than 8 pounds, in Florida. Program goals are:
* Collect valid information through citizen-science about trophy bass to help the FWC enhance, conserve and promote trophy bass fishing.
* Encourage catch-and-release of the biggest, oldest, most valuable bass.
* Excite anglers about Florida freshwater fishing, encouraging them to purchase licenses and to fish more, resulting in benefits to anglers, fishing-related businesses, local communities and the fisheries by having more support and funding for conservation.
* Share information about fishing opportunities and destinations to make fishing more enjoyable.
Anglers are encouraged to follow catch-and-release guidelines for these big bass and to document the catch through a photograph of the entire bass on a scale with the weight clearly legible. By registering at www.TrophyCatchFlorida.com, anglers are eligible for an annual drawing for a Phoenix Bass Boat, powered by Mercury Marine and equipped with a Power-Pole shallow-water anchoring system. Then, when they follow the rules to document legally caught bass heavier than 8 pounds and release them alive back in the same water system where caught, they earn great prizes (see website for detailed rules and prize information).
Anglers interested in keeping in touch should register, then like our Facebook page (www.FaceBook.com/TrophyCatchFlorida) and subscribe to our YouTube channel (www.YouTube.com/TrophyCatchFlorida).