
The Mississippi River Needs Your Help

Category: News Release

 Sep 21st, 2021 by Keith Worrall 

Modified Sep 21st, 2021 at 1:07 PM

The Big Picture

The Mississippi River is one of America’s most important ecological and economic engines.

1. Supports more than 870 species of wildlife and fish;
2. It’s the center of a $500 Billion a year natural resource and recreation economy;
3. Responsible for approximately 1.5 million jobs;
4. Supplies drinking water for over 20 million Americans

Go Deeper

Unlike the Everglades, Chesapeake Bay, Puget Sound, and the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River does not have a dedicated federal restoration program.

Why It Matters

From the northern most headwaters down to the Mississippi Delta, the health of this great river continues to be put at risk from flooding, habitat loss, pollution and agricultural run-off.

One Big Thing

Congresswoman Betty McCollum has introduced the Mississippi River Restoration and Resilience Initiative Act (MRRRI), which is modeled on other successful regional restoration programs.

Bottom Line

If approved, the MRRRI will provide significant additional federal funding to improve water quality, restore habitat, control the spread of aquatic invasive species and build local resilience to natural disasters along the Mississippi River.

What You Can Do

Tell your elected representatives to support and co-sponsor the Mississippi River Restoration and Resilience Initiative Act today!

Take Action Now!

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